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Trade Mark registration for SMEs

It is common for reputed businesses to register their own trade marks to distinguish themselves from others and to protect from any infringement.  Smaller businesses may consider themselves as being “unnecessary” to have ones.

One may have overlooked the main reason behind the trademark registration, i.e. to guard against the accusation of infringement.

If you use a mark that is (to certain degree) like another in providing the goods or services, you may be susceptible to being sued by other firms.  As a smaller business, you may not be able to afford the litigation costs and professional fees and may be succumb to accepting unfair requests or dealings which are normally unpleasant and disturbance.

By registering your trademark, if succeeded, you may be able to rely on section 19 of Trademark Ordinance (Cap. 559) to defend any infringement claims.

現時好多大型商業都會注意到保障自己辛苦建立得來的商標 /品牌,使消費者區別商品或者服務的來源及保障他們在營商之中的權利。當發現商標或者類似的商標有被侵權的時候, 公司便可以從法律途徑,要求索償及要求停止等,鞏固自己自己市場,以及排除他人以相同或者近似的商標去使用於類似嘅商品或者服務。然而,中小企業的市場相對細,好像不會被侵權威脅自己的業務,為何也需要註冊自己不太出名的商標呢?


詳情請參考香港法例第559章 《商標條例》 第19條 不屬侵犯註冊商標的例外情況。