Aspiring to make you a successful business start-up...
Success is a kind of feelings in that you are perfectly happy with what you’ve done. So, our first and foremost objective is to deliver you services.
Because we believe that our jobs are interesting and challenging, you are welcomed for any questions without a fear of a shocking bill – our charges are based not based on how many questions you’ve asked!
You are encouraged to treat us as a partner. By partnering with you, we shall try our best to deliver our services and to share our thoughts and knowledge with you.
Not only shall we translate the accounting data into understandable information, we also care about your business, your goals and your needs and find ways to help you by guiding the business, tackling barriers and pre-empting threats.
You are “made” to be success because you will have a clearer sense of purpose and direction. We are contented when you’ve achieved positive changes.
by Aaron Wong, FCA, FCPA
Address: Room 608, 6/F, Kenning Ind’l Building, 19 Wang Hoi Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone: +852 3428 8117
Fax: +852 3422 8667
Email: [email protected]